Ayurvedic Treatments and Services
Treatments at our centre are a combination of natural herbs/Ayurveda medicines along with procedures that effectively lower pain in all directions, making it a best suited option for treatment of pain. Because pain is a complex reaction of the body in response to injury; and pain can be of two type a. acute pain and b. chronic pain.
Generally acute pain has a clear cause; it could result from any illness, trauma, surgery or any painful medical procedures. Acute pain signals that there is something wrong and motivates the person to get help. Acute pain is pain of sudden onset, lasting for hours to days and disappears once the underlying cause is treated. Examples of acute pain: pain in the abdomen, fracture, muscle sprain, cancer, prolapse of an intervertebral disc.
Chronic pain is the pain that starts as an acute pain and continues beyond the normal time expected for resolution of the problem or persists or recurs for various other reasons it is not therapeutically beneficial to the patient. In acute pain, attention is focused to treat the cause of pain whereas in chronic pain, the emphasis is laid upon reducing the pain to give relief, limit disability and improve function.
Injury causes production of inflammatory agents that alert the body about pain and are mediators in pain perception of the body. In the case of chronic pain, such agents are constantly produced from the body or not excreted efficiently and thus results in the buildup of inflammatory agents and pain is experienced until there are last traces of such agents. Reduction of such agents is the key in pain reduction/Pain management.