Healthy children are born when the parents are absolutely healthy; this absolute health status defines the way the child’s future physical and mental capabilities. Such capabilities can be naturally enhanced it start’s as pre-conception care for aspirant father and mother where the couples health at all levels are cared for in a process called “3600 checkup”. 3600checkup involves routine & special blood tests to rule out deficiencies and abnormalities, such that the body is reviewed by providing necessary vitamins and nutrients; even the trace elements of the body are replenished thereby rendering the body to an absolute healthy state.
The aspirant father and mother who require medical attention are prescribed intense revival program(s) involving treatments of ancient Ayurveda Panchakarma and Supplementation of nutritional herbs for appropriate cellular functioning all through the body.
Pre-pregnancy health status and lifestyles have profound impact on the progress and outcome in pregnancy.To have an uncomplicated pregnancy and a healthy baby, preparation needs to start before the pregnancy. Preconception care becomes more important for those couples who plan to have children in their thirties.
Preconception care aims to identify and modify medical, behavioral and social risks to your health or pregnancy outcome. The care usually involves risk screening, physical assessment, vaccinations and counselling.
Your risk factors are evaluated in terms of:
- Potential for inherited genetic diseases
- Exposure to environmental toxins and teratogens (an agent or factor which causes malformation of an embryo)
- Nutritional status
- Usage of tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs
- Medical conditions
- Exposure to infectious diseases and vaccination status
- Psychosocial concerns
Preconception care starts with Clinical screening. Clinical screening is designed to fully evaluate and prepare you and your partner for a healthy pregnancy. This is an opportunity to resolve any existing health issues.
Components of Clinical Screening
- Fitness evaluation for pregnancy (couples)
- Uterine health assessment & Follicular study (regulation of menstruation, treatment of any associated disease conditions and deficiencies)
- Detailed consultation
- Review of medical history
- Basic gynaecological examination
- Breast examination
- Weight (body mass index) analysis
- Blood pressure
Radiological & Blood Chemistry Assessment
- Papanicolaou (Pap) smear
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Full blood count
- Blood grouping
- Hepatitis B screening
- Diabetes screening
- Rubella (German measles) antibody testing
- Venereal disease screening
- HIV (AIDS) screening
- Amenorrhea (no menstrual periods)
- M.l irregularities
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Hirsutism (excess hair, Acne)
- Hyperprolactinemia
- Thyroid disorders
- Reproductive Tract abnormalities
- Pubertal disorders
- Adolescent gynaecology
- Recurrent Pregnancy loss / miscarriage
- Gonadal dysgenesis (including Turners syndrome)
- Disorders or Sexual Development (DSDs)
- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- Premature menopause
- Bone Health and Metabolic Bone Disorders - including Osteopenia and Osteoporosis
- Benefits of Pre-conception care
- Effect of Pre-Conception care on health outcome
- Pre-conception care also focuses on
- Build a healthy relationship with good sexual intimacy to enhance natural fertilization
- Balance the muscles of your pelvic floor to optimize conception,implantation carrying and delivering your baby as well as improving sexual function for both partners
- Resolve infertility issues by integrating mind and body
- Prepare the mind and body for IVF and other reproductive technologies
- Release hidden stress and anxiety about conception and create a positive attitude
- Healing past pregnancy and birth losses
- Reduce maternal and child mortality
- prevent unintended pregnancies
- prevent complications during pregnancyand delivery
- prevent stillbirths, preterm birth and lowbirth weight
- prevent birth defects
- prevent neonatal infections
- prevent underweight and stunting
- prevent vertical transmission of HIV/STIs
- lower the risk of some forms of childhood cancers
- lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovasculardisease later in life
- Screening for anaemia and diabetes
- Supplementing iron and folic acid
- Information, education and counselling
- Monitoring nutritional status
- Supplementing energy- and nutrient-dense food
- Management of diabetes, including counselling people with diabetes mellitus
- Promoting exercise
- Iodization of salt
- Taking a thorough family history to identify risk factors for genetic conditions
- Family planning
- Genetic counselling
- Carrier screening and testing
- Appropriate treatment of genetic conditions
- Providing guidance and information on environmental hazards and prevention
- Protecting from unnecessary radiation exposure in occupational,environmental and medical settings
- Avoiding unnecessary pesticide use/providing alternatives to pesticides
- Protecting from lead exposure
- Informing women of childbearing age about levels of methyl mercury in fish
- Creating awareness and understanding of fertility and infertility and theirpreventable and unpreventable causess
- Defusing stigmatization of infertility and assumption of fate
- Screening and diagnosis of couples following 6–12 months of attemptingpregnancy, and management of underlying causes of infertility/sub-fertility,including past STIs
- Counselling for individuals/couples diagnosed with unpreventable causes ofinfertility/sub-fertility
- Providing contraceptives and building community support for preventing early pregnancy and contraceptive provision to adolescents
- Educating women and couples about the dangers to the baby and mother of short birth intervals
- Assessing psychosocial problems
- Providing educational and psychosocial counselling before and duringpregnancy
- Counselling, treating and managing depression in women planningpregnancy and other women of childbearing age
- Vaccination against rubella
- Vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria
- Vaccination against Hepatitis B
Special tests for hormones (thyroid, LH, FSH, and Testosterone), fat biopsy, and Liver function test-optional, Genetic testing maybe ordered as per the need.
Diet planning and counselling: Counselling about complete nutritional care for Aspirant mothers, recipes which cover all the nutritional requirements, importance of fresh food, importance of stress free life and its impact on child bearing, Importance of Sleep and its effect on child bearing.
Pregnancy counselling (includes daily routine, Exercise/Yoga importance)
Associated medical conditions which could effect conception are:
Baby's health and development take shape even before conception and there is growing evidence that suggests parents' nutrient deficiencies, poor lifestyle choices and exposure to toxins can jeopardize the future health of their developing baby. Incidences of cerebral palsy, childhood asthma, autism, severe food allergies and learning disorders are approaching pandemic levels. With that said, six months before conception is the ideal time for future mom and dad to adopt a healthy diet, supportive lifestyle and low toxic load to help create an ideal prenatal environment for baby. Our Preconception packages are designed to help the future mom and dad to detox and support their overall health.
Its ultimate aim is to improve maternal and child health, in both the short and long term
4 out of 10 women reportthat their pregnanciesare unplanned. As aresult, essential healthinterventions providedonce a woman and herpartner decide to have achild will be too late in 40%of pregnancies.
Up to 35% of pregnanciesamong women withuntreated gonococcalinfections result in lowbirth weight infants andpremature deliveries,and up to 10% result in perinatal death.
Women with epilepsy areat increased risk of havingbabies with congenitalanomalies (both epilepsyand the medicationsgiven for its control mayhave adverse effects on the baby).