I have been treated for Psoriasis through Virechana program from Dr Murthy’s Medical Centre 3 years from now; today I’m fit and fine and have no replaces. Virechana program was a week long program for which I was prepared by external therapies such as herbal powder application followed by steam. During the process I was given fat based herbal medicines intended for internal cleansing; I could appreciate the fat being flushed out of my body at the end of the program. I feel all my toxins were thrown out along with the fat.
This Vedic method (treatment) for cleansing is too good and recently found out that it can be done to healthy individuals for the purpose of cleansing during Sept-Nov every year. I would like to recommend to my friends and families. It’s too good therapy and anybody can undergo the procedure without any side effects.
Thank you Dr. Murthy
Warm Regards Nagesh Date: Aug 22, 2013 Bangalore