Pain Management - Treatments for Acute Pain, Chronic Pain, Back Pain & Knee Pain
Pain Relief
Pain is a complex reaction of the body to an injury and pain can be either acute or chronic.
Acute pain is a pain of sudden onset, lasting for hours to days and disappears once the underlying cause is treated. Examples of acute pain: pain in the abdomen, fracture, muscle sprain, cancer, prolapse of an intervertebral disc.
Chronic pain starts as an acute pain, continues for a longer period and recurs for various other reasons.
In acute pain, attention is focused on treating the cause of pain whereas, in chronic pain, the emphasis is on reducing the pain to give relief, limit disability and improve function. We develop a best-suited treatment option for pain with the combination of natural herbs/Ayurveda medicines along with procedures which effectively lower pain in all directions.
Pain Relief Area/Organ Wise
- Pain in the head (Ex: Sinusitis, Migraine, Tension headaches, Trigeminal Neuralgia, TMJ pain)
- Pain in the Upper limbs and Shoulder (Ex: Cervical Spondylitis/-osis, Neck pain, Tennis elbow, Herniated/Prolapsed disc, Post-stroke pain, Spasmodic Torticollis)
- Pain in chest/Flans (Ex: Intercostal neuralgia)
- Pain Abdomen (Ex: Endometriosis, IBS, Loin pain-Hematuria syndrome, Chronic Functional Abdominal Pain)
- Pain in the Spine & Hip joint (Ex: Lumbar spondylitis/-osis, Failed back surgery syndrome, Spinal cord injury, Sciatica, Herniated/Prolapsed disc, Sacro-iliac joint dysfunction, Avascular necrosis of hip joints)
- Pain of the Lower Limbs & Hip joint (Ex: Pelvic pain, Sciatica, Arthritis of Knee joint, Bursitis, Swelling and pain in the lower limbs, Post-stroke pain)
- Nerve care (Ex: Neuropathic pain, Nerve pinching, Peripheral Neuropathy, Trigeminal Neuralgia)
- Joint care (Ex: Arthritis, Osteo-Arthritis, Gout, Bursitis, Ligament injuries of the knee joint, Psoriatic Arthritis)
- Bone care (Ex: Pain in Osteopenia & Osteoporosis, Osteomyelitis pain)
- Skincare (Ex: Dermatomyositis)
- Cancer pain relief (Ex: Post-mastectomy pain)
- Trigger point pains (Ex: Myofascial pain syndrome)
Pain Relief Disease Wise
Rheumatology & Inflammatory Joint Diseases – Rheumatic/Inflammatory joint conditions are a form of Arthritis where the joints get damaged causing pain and discomfort to the patients. Most of the patients usually depend on painkillers and steroids to manage the pain, which may cause additional side effects. A course of panchakarma and a follow-up medication of 6 months has helped many of our patients to relieve from pain. They are able to manage the pain without any medication after the therapy.
Avascular Necrosis - Avascular necrosis (AVN), also called osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis, or ischemic bone necrosis, is a condition that causes bone damage due to interrupted blood flow. Avascular necrosis most commonly occurs in the upper leg. Other common sites are the upper arm, knees, hip joint, shoulder, and ankles. The disease may collapse the bone with a delay in the treatment. Dr.Murthy’s clinic was successful in treating the condition involving the hip joints (both) were about 45% of the bone was damaged. The treatment has shown good prognosis within 60 days; the pain was effectively controlled and tissue degeneration was stopped. No sign of remissions till date (for the last 3 years).
Obesity induced joint wear out causing Arthritis – Obesity is no more a rich man’s disease. The change in lifestyle and food habits had made obesity as the most prevalent disorder in the world. Unusual weight gain strains the weight-bearing joints (such as knee joint/hip joint) causing early reduction of joint spaces and thus Arthritis. Obesity patients may face difficulty in exercising due to pain caused by arthritis, which in turn supports weight gain. The solution to reducing weight by managing the pain is highly required for these patients to manage the obesity. Our treatment has perfectly designed a solution for this condition.
Varicose veins pain - Over the period, tissue loses their vitality due to pollution, deficient/wrong nutrition or other medical conditions. This may disturb the shape of blood vessels causing varicose vein where the blood vessel becomes torturous (knotty appearance). . This knotty structure of the blood vessels hampers the blood flow causing severe pain during mobility. We provide external herbal therapies and medicines that vitalize the tissue and resolve the knotty appearance of the blood vessel.
Repetitive stress injuries/Sports Medicine – We have put together the ancient healing methods and exercises to work in conditions that require healing/ stamina building. The synergistic effects of Ayurveda treatments along with exercises have healed the condition faster. Herbal/Ayurveda medicines have a special capacity to heal the tissue naturally at a faster rate, thus managing the painful conditions.